IPS TeamSailor

Master your Performance

March 18, 2013 : ImPulSe has received the necessary equipment to become a long term energy independent ocean cruiser : Watt & Sea hydrogenerator, Solar panels, AGM batteries, Battery control,...

Member of Group-IPS


TeamSailing has been developed in 2009 by Group-IPS as a complement to its Training and Expertise activities organized in the IPS Technological Centre in Germany and the IPS Competence Centre in Belgium.


IPS TeamSailor, full daughter of Group-IPS operates its own two performance sailing yachts in order to guarantee the highest standards of comfort and safety.


The IPS TeamSailor yachts are fully equiped to provide an optimal working environment to the workshops and the teamwork.

TeamSailing, a unique opportunity, a unique combination

Teamworking provides massive benefits for any organization. TeamSailing – more than any other workshop or training – boosts the team as well as the individual performance.

It is a learning experience where training in methodologies and working as a team are combined at best.


Unique assets of TeamSailing:


        • train yourself in efficient decision making
        • coordinate efforts
        • encourage creative thinking
        • develop group awareness and unity
        • identify and develop effective working methods
        • define new goals and open new potential